Week 14 - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Douglas Adams’s Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was definitely on my reading list for a long time, so I’m glad I got to take time to listen to the original radio version, which I feel is so much better because hearing the voice acting really helps the delivery of the storytelling.

I love the idea of Hitchhiker’s Guide because I’m greatly fond of absurd British humor. The whole radio series is done in this deadpan tone, which goes fantastic with all the over the top and silly stuff that happens in the story. One of the best examples of that shows through Marvin. It’s incredible that there’s just this robot designed to be smart but, also to be extremely depressed. Everything he says is horribly sad about his life, but it just ends up making him horribly relatable and that makes his character so funny.

In addition to that, I love how they casually blow over a lot of the seemingly serious things that happen in the series. There was really no sentimental emotion over the Earth being destroyed, Arthur was only bummed because he liked his house and didn’t want it to be torn down for a bypass.. Same idea with when Arthur thought Slartibartfast’s people were all dead, but they were just sleeping through an economic recession. And of course there’s also the famous Answer to the Universe and Anything, just 42. There seems to be so much buildup to the background of these situations, but the actual reasoning behind them are just so underwhelming that it ends up being hilarious.

Something else in this series that caught my interest is the heavy existentialism mixed in with irony. I remember there being a part where the mice were the ones who paid for the development of the Earth for the purpose of experimenting on the human race, which is of course funny because normally, it’s the other way around. There’s even questioning of the existence of god in the beginning of the series, which makes sense since Adams is atheist and he incorporates that into the series often.

Overall, the radio broadcast was fun to listen to. There’s a lot of aspects of the series that I love, and a lot of it pertains to my sense of humor.


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